AI Animation Software

A directory of powerful AI assisted animation produciton tools, software, apps and plugins.

*Developers can register and submit their own AI apps to the directory for consideration for free.

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Viggle is a superb AI platform/app that enables you to submit a video file and swap out the character.

Viggle is an AI-powered app that allows users to generate controllable videos, revolutionizing digital creativity.

It offers several remarkable features and capabilities for creatives:

1. Video Generation:
By uploading an image, users can generate realistic videos with controllable movements and expressions, enabling them to bring static visuals to life.

2. Meme Creation: Viggle has gained popularity for its ability to create viral memes, such as replacing faces in existing videos with those of famous personalities or characters, leading to hilarious and engaging content.

3. Animation and Visual Effects:
Professional creators can utilize Viggle to design games and create visual effects quickly, streamlining their workflows and boosting efficiency.

4. Rapid Prototyping: Animators and designers can use Viggle to visualize their ideas and feelings rapidly, reducing the time required for creating initial drafts and animations.

5. Social Sharing: Users can easily share their creations through social media platforms, contributing to the app's viral growth and fostering a vibrant creative community.

  • Viggle


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